The Wedding Setup | Sonali Dev

The Wedding Setup by Sonali Dev

My Rating - 5 /5  ★★★★★

The Book Blurb 

Ayesha Shetty lost her brother seven years ago, the same time she lost everything else important to her: her dreams, her fierce independence, and the man she loved. Not wanting to see her mother hurt anymore, she put her wild self away and became the dutiful daughter her mother needed and took on her brother’s role in the family business.

Now her best friend’s big, fat Indian wedding is a chance to get away from her endless duties at the restaurant and maybe even have some fun (if she remembers how). But a setup arranged by her mother, with a doctor no less, is the last thing she needs. The fact that he checks all her mother’s boxes just makes everything better…and worse.

Then Emmitt Hughes shows up. Her brother’s best friend. The love she once chose over family duties and her responsibilities. The one she asked to leave, and who did. The one who knows the real Ayesha. Torn between a love from the past that could cost her the only person she has left and her sense of obligation to her mother, will Ayesha find the strength to stop thinking about what everyone else wants and finally put herself first? Or is the old Ayesha truly gone for good?

My Review

The Wedding Setup is a short story, yet it leads me on an unforgettable journey.

When her brother died, Ayesha Shetty became the daughter her mother had always desired, but it cost her aspirations, her true love, and herself, who had never feared doing what she wanted. A setup by her mother at her best friend's wedding is not enough. There is more trouble waiting for her: Emmitt, who reads her like an open book and alive the emotions she's forgotten to feel in the last seven years.

I am so heart-touched by this story's rawness, emotional baggage, grief, and relationship dynamics. What I loved most about this book was the fight Ayesha put up not only for her love but also for herself, from where she couldn't even recognize herself.

Ayesha is a character that I adore dearly, but I wish I could get a glimpse of her old self as well. Emmitt drew my attention the instant he entered Ayesha's life, and he was not what I imagined him to be, but his charm did the trick, and I fell in love with his character.

This book has a heartwarming romance, but this story has much more than that. This story depicts the aftereffects of loss, daughter and mother's relationship, heartbreak, and best friend's bonds.

I cried, laughed, and felt with this story. That speaks a lot because I've never felt so strongly linked to a short storyline as I did with this one. The best aspect is that nothing in the book is incomprehensible to a non-Indian.

Sonali Dev's writing style is immaculate and astounding. There isn't anything I'd alter about this book. I liked how the storyline progressed. It is my first book by Sonali Dev, but it isn't going to last.


  • It's a brief story that wraps up in a few hours.
  • Choose this one if you want a second chance romance, as well as an Indian or American romance.
  • Excellent choice for beginners.
Look into the book from here!

Special Thanks: For providing free copy to review.



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