The Imperfect Bride | Rubina Ramesh | Book Review

The Imperfect Bride by Rubina Ramesh

The Book Blurb

Ruchika didn't want to live under the shadow of her younger sister. She didn't want to marry the man rejected by her sister and she didn't want to go to the USA when her heart was set on going to London. But still, she gave in and did all of them. So she wanted to take one decision that was entirely hers. She wanted to divorce Kabir and go back to her village, Toosa. She does go back to Toosa, but her heart remains in Seattle, with Kabir.

Kabir was engaged to one sister and now married to the other one. There is nothing he doesn't know about Ruchika. She is his best friend from first grade. He knows how utterly selfish, bird-brained, and irresponsible she is. He can’t trust her to make an omelet without burning the house down, let alone live with him in Seattle, without her family. But more than anything else, he refuses to be the second-best man in her life. So, if it was a divorce she wanted, he would damn well give her one.
But could she please leave his heart behind?

Rating - 4 /5 ★★★★

My Review

I had previously read her book, so I grabbed this one right away and was astounded by her development in writing style. The Imperfect Bride is a short book with intense and humorous banter, passionate romance, and painful heartbreak.

Ruchika and Kabir were forced to marry each other when both of the persons with whom they engaged married each other. Ruchika wants to live in London, while Kabir resides in the United States. So, in order to achieve her dream, she chose to divorce Kabir. Despite being best friends from childhood and loving each other, they are still fighting because both are not ready to become second choices in their lives.

I can comprehend this one without reading the first book in the series. Ruchika is an enthusiastic and sweet Punjabi girl with a stubborn attitude, whereas Kabir is a gorgeous man who is emotionally reserved. Govind also added to the story's manifestation. Although it is a short book, it masterfully captures every emotion: attraction, separation, romance, heartache, and love. The story flows perfectly, even unpredictably, and the comedy blends easily.

Rubina beautifully described the battles of ego that affect love and marriage. And silence can quickly destroy any relationship. The story is entertaining at a fast pace and is clear and straightforward. There are a few Punjabi words that perfectly mix with the style and characters, making the story appealing and funny at the same time.

The Imperfect Bride is a charming short romantic book with a dash of comedy, drama, and Indian touch of family emotions.


  • If you are searching for Indian romantic comedy books to read, start with this one.
  • This book is a short-length book.
  • Perfect for beginners and adult readers.
  • This book has friends to lovers and love after marriage tropes.

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