The Unwanted Wife | Natasha Anders

The Unwanted Wife by Natasha Anders

The Book Blurb

No one had ever looked at her and seen perfection—until now.

Delicate, titian-haired Theresa Noble has met her father’s associates in the past, but the gorgeous, Italian-born Sandro De Lucci leaves her speechless. Eighteen months into their marriage, however, Sandro has turned to ice. Desperate to escape a relationship that has proven to be as stubbornly passionate as it is cold and hateful, Theresa summons up the courage to ask for a divorce. But before he’ll grant her request, Sandro demands something from Theresa: a son.

The stalemate sickens her. Never mind that Sandro has yet to introduce Theresa to the large family that means so much to him. Or that Theresa overhears her husband on the phone with a mystery woman. Most damning is that Theresa senses, in Sandro’s treatment of her, the behind-the-scenes machinations of Jackson Noble, her cruel father. From the depths of her anxiety, Theresa must seek an empowering truth about the husband who calls her, with such cold affection, his cara, his beloved.

Rating - 3 /5  ★★★

My Review

At first sight, Theresa falls in love with her husband, Alessandro. After one year and three-quarters of a loveless marriage as an unloved wife, Theresa decides it's time to leave. However, Alessandra would only give her divorce if she gives him a son. Everything changes when Theresa asks for divorce because Alessandra now wants her. After too many months of their marriage, Alessandra truly desires Theresa or the son from her, or there is a far deeper truth concealed in his actions that keeps him from approaching her.

The Unwanted Wife is a different and unique story and an emotional ride. The first half of the story is a roller coaster of emotions. The writing style is fantastic, and it transports me to the depths of Theresa's pain. I really enjoy how the author writes about Theresa's character growing from naive to stubborn and, most significantly, the point about the differences between love and trust in marriage or relationships. The chemistry between Sandro and Theresa is mind-blowing, and it will keep you hooked till the finish.

Although, I connected with Theresa and sympathized with her. I didn't have the same feelings for Sandra, and the other characters did not have any descriptive bonds. The story mostly relies on Sandro and Theresa, and the other characters are just others. Theresa's relationship is closer to her cousin's husband than her cousin, whom she often referred to as her closest and only best friend. Most of the story feels like a guilt trip from both characters to each other, and the climax happens so quickly that I missed it.

Overall it is an engaging story with fresh concepts, angst, and longing romance. It can be read-only once.


  • Pick it up if you appreciate reading about love after marriage or arranged marriage tropes.
  • Only for adults.
  • An excellent choice for newcomers.

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