When We Let Go | Rochelle B. Weinstein | Book Review

When We Let Go by Rochelle B. Weinstein

Title : When We Let Go
Author : Rochelle B. Weinstein
POV : Avery Beckett

The Book Blurb

When Avery Beckett is proposed to by Jude Masters, a widowed father and the man she loves, it should be a time of great joy. Instead, Avery is on edge. She’s wary of the idea of family, doubtful of happy endings, and too afraid to take the leap. It’s the kind of fear that comes from having secrets.

Before Avery commits to a new life, she must reconcile with the one she left behind.

When Avery returns to her childhood farm in the North Carolina mountains, she’s surprised to be saddled with a companion: Jude’s teenage daughter, Elle, who’s grappling with the loss of her mother and the complicated emotions of first love. On a path of mending wounds and breaking down walls, Avery and Elle form an unexpected alliance. It’s giving them the courage to move forward. And for Avery, everything she needs to confront the past.

An emotional tale of mothers and daughters, loss and acceptance, When We Let Go is about the lessons that come from heartbreak and the healing it takes to embrace the joy of a second chance.

Rating - 5 /5 ★★★★

My Review

When We Let Go is all about loss, grief, guilt, love, healing, relationships, forgiveness, and second chances. The cover of this book was so exquisite that I wasn't able to resist it, and the blurb just added to its appeal. I wanted to read something that would make me cry harder and more rawly, and this book had what it promised.

Avery moved to Miami to get away from the place that reminded her daughter's death, her sister's deceit, and the loss of everything precious to her. Hoping for a new beginning, she bottled up her past and buried it so deep inside herself that she had forgotten a portion of it existed. When her long-time boyfriend, Jude, a widowed father, proposes to her for marriage, her tongue is tied by the guilt and heaviness of not sharing a part of herself that shapes her reality. When her estranged elder sister, Willow, informed her about her father's hospitalization, she decided to take a break from all that was going on in her recent life to face the life that she left behind in North Carolina. Avery shares her journey with the beautiful and horrifying memories of her ex-boyfriend-Oliver. Until Avery is stuck with the daughter of her boyfriend, Elle, who is still mourning the loss of her mother, dislikes Avery and disapproves of her dad's relationship with Avery.

This novel was incredibly divine; the intensity and rawness of the emotions were palpable. It keeps me on edge all the time, gives me goosebumps, raises my heart rate, and words start to blur in front of me, so I close the book to let my tears flow, and then I read the following chapter, promising not to cry again, and it happens again, several times. In every way, I thoroughly loved this book. Not only do I adore Avery, but I also love Willow and Elle. Three of them are like life support for each other. I do not want to let them go. When the past is too beautiful, too good to be true, how heartbreaking it was to move on from it, the author eloquently writes it.

I've never read any novels by Rochelle B. Weinstein, but now if I ever need to read a deeply emotional book, I'll always read one of hers. I aww with the relationship Avery shared with Oliver and was especially pleased by the one shared with Jude. This entire novel is grounded in reality and manages to bring up the critical topic of mental health. I feel the trauma of heartbreak and am astounded by the process of healing, forgiveness, and character developments.

It focuses not just on the mother-daughter relationship but also on the sisters' bond and growing up without a mother's presence. After committing too many mistakes and surviving from them, there is still hope to redeem and forgive them. Giving yourself a second chance is the most admirable part. And the romance is not soft in this book but intense, heavy, and laced with pain.


  • If you want to read a novel with a mix of relationship dynamics and romance, this is the book for you.
  • This book is an excellent pick for new readers.
  • If you want to read books with strong characters on a second chance, grab this one.

Grab the book!

Best Quote of  When We Let Go

Sometimes the things people don’t say hurt worse than the things they do. 
People think they’re doing you a favor by avoiding the tougher subjects, but the silence only makes the absence bigger, deafening. 
People who love you won’t give up. They’ll be mad, maybe disappointed, but they’ll stay. And they’ll fight. 
You need to grab sunshine when you can.

Special Thanks; For providing a free copy for an honest review.



  1. People who love you won’t give up. They’ll be mad, maybe disappointed, but they’ll stay. And they’ll fight.

    is such a nice quote
